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Finding Joy In The Little Things | Blogtober

To say I’m taking Blogtober slow is an understatement but I feel fully aligned with this decision. I don’t like being rushed and I don’t like to rush myself, so this Blogtober, my focus is on posting when I have something of substance to say.

I don’t have a posting schedule or planned topics but I like the spontaneity of it all. I started this blog so I could pour my emotions and wisdom onto the page and hope it reaches the right readers, so if you’re here and found my little corner on the internet, thank you, I appreciate you.

Today, I want to touch on topics that I’ve found myself pondering on: choosing to live a quiet life without feeling like you’re missing out on something and finding joy in the little things. The latter has become very challenging for me lately so I’m trying to be more conscious of everyday life instead of constantly thinking about the future.

Finding Joy in The Little Things in Life

When we’re caught up in the busyness of everyday life, we can miss moments of pure joy and bliss that are right in front of us. Life is not about the big events that only happen once in a while. It’s about the little things that we take for granted or don’t even notice.

Here are some simple ways to find contentment in the little things in life:

  • Opening your windows to let in fresh air
  • Finding a peaceful spot to be with your thoughts
  • The first sip of that delicious morning coffee
  • Listening to your favorite song
  • A quiet moment all to yourself
  • A cuddle with your pet or child
  • Seeing flowers and plants thrive
  • A hug with someone you love
  • A bite of your favorite food
  • The warmth of a cozy blanket
  • A good book on a rainy day

It’s easy to find something to be grateful for if you choose to focus on the little things that make up your day. Make an effort to notice them and even write them down. This is a great way to train your mind to look for these small but significant moments every day.

Finding Joy In The Little Things | Blogtober

Embracing a Quiet Life and the Fear of Missing Out

A quiet life isn’t just for naturally quiet people and introverts. There’s wisdom in silence if you open your heart and listen to yourself, your body, and your environment.

Maybe you’re spending too much time on social media looking at other people’s seemingly perfect lives and comparing yourself to them. Maybe you spend time with people whose conversations and energy make you feel drained, not uplifted. Or maybe your mind is an overly active, anxious space that needs gentle soothing and comforting.

A quiet life starts in your mind and manifests in your surroundings.

Sometimes, the quiet can lead to unrest if you’re not used to it. It can feel uncomfortable and unnatural but that’s to be expected when you’re experiencing a new sensation. Your old life and habits can suck you right back if you don’t consciously resist them. Your comfort zone will be loud and appealing but how can you change your life if you keep going back to what’s familiar (and not necessarily good for you)?

This is why FOMO happens – you’re scared of missing out on something exciting that only existed in your old life. But a quiet, simple life doesn’t mean a boring, uneventful life. It’s what you make of it and how you fill your days. It’s about choosing activities that make you happy and fulfilled, not activities that everyone around you is doing but don’t resonate with you.

So how do you fight FOMO when it comes up? Simple: you don’t. You acknowledge the feeling and let it pass. You shift your focus from the future to the present moment and enjoy your life as it is right now. In time, you’ll realize you’re not missing out on anything external except your own joy if you choose to focus on the things you ‘should’ be doing.

Finding Joy In The Little Things | Blogtober

Giving Yourself Grace in Times of Difficulty and Uncertainty

The state of the world feels heavy right now. Living expenses are skyrocketing, and jobs are scarce. How does one find hope in times of difficulty and uncertainty? How do we give ourselves grace and keep going?

I wish I had a magic answer but I’m struggling to see the bigger picture here. Nobody knows if or when this situation will get better, so we make do with what we have day in and day out. Losing sleep over things that are outside of our control, worrying over the future of our children, and wondering what we can do to change something.

At the end of the day, giving ourselves grace means letting go — of control, of expectations, of anxiety, and the constant stress — and just breathe.

Finding joy in the little things and taking a deep breath will help you let go of everything that’s building up inside.

Giving yourself grace means finding joy in the little things and contentment in your life today, right now, no matter the situation you’re in, no matter how hopeless it seems.

Grace means understanding you’re human and that nothing is forever, not even the most difficult of times. That we only have today so why not make the most of the time we’re given on this Earth?

Finding Joy In The Little Things | Blogtober

Final Thoughts + Journal Prompts

On that note, I invite you to think about this: what are some areas in your life you’re not giving yourself grace in? Where can you be kinder to yourself? Can you focus on finding joy in the little things? Journaling on these questions can hopefully help you see things from a different perspective and give you some much-needed relief.

Follow along the rest of Blogtober here. My goal is quality over quantity and I’d rather give you my honest thoughts and inspiration than publish posts just for the sake of it.

Wishing you joy, my friend.

Until next time, stay well.


Finding Joy In The Little Things | Blogtober

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