They say change is the only constant but for those of us who are nestled into our own little cozy cocoons, major life changes can be life-shattering.

When I see change coming, there is always a sense of unease, an unsettling in my bones, and a feeling of standstill.

As I approach the newness, I realize it is safe to move forward, to see what’s beyond my own horizon, and hold out my hand in anticipation of blessings.

September Strength

Strength, I felt, was weaving through my days in September. It was all-encompassing in my desire for it, yet so fickle in its existence.

Like grasping sand that escapes your fingers, strength was present but I had to seek for it and find it in the cracks of the mundane.

Is a simple, lightweight life too much to ask for in the face of uncertainty? Or is this uncertainty a way to learn to live a simpler life?

major life changes

At times like these, it feels like it’s futile to plan for the future and I have made my peace with that. I can still daydream about sunshine-filled days in my farmhouse, surrounded by wide lush meadows and gentle streams. I’m with my family and pets, doing deeply fulfilling meaningful work, creating art, and singing songs after my own heart.

In this daydreaming, I can hope that my yearning will catch a little miracle dust from the Universe and come true sooner than I can say Happy New 2022.

October Overflowing

As Autumn arrived, it filled me with overflowing creativity. This past summer, I started writing poetry again after ten years of being too afraid of my own art. I felt the exuberance that only a blank page seeping with words, rhymes, and flow could give me. Hope had become a dear friend again and we’re still catching up.

I welcome October with open arms and heart. I plan to take a road trip to see the peak fall foliage, take some photos, and marvel at the simple joys this month will bring.

November Baby

On November 1st, I will be 33.

Freedom is my most important, most highly regarded, and most fiercely protected value. For the first time in 33 years, I feel whole. Authentic. Content. Loved. Free. Alive. Blessed.

In November, I will celebrate finding myself underneath layers and layers of conditioning that kept the real me quiet and invisible.

I will celebrate all my life lessons, major life changes, successes, strengths, shadows, and new wrinkles as tokens of a life well lived. I will celebrate a future that I’m consciously creating in the now.

And I’ll eat all the cake!

major life changes

How Can We Welcome Major Life Changes More Softly?

Mother Nature and all the changes She goes through so gracefully never ceases to amaze me. It is with change that we’re able to witness the magic and wonder of the seasons. It is change that reminds us we’re blessed to be alive in this beautiful world filled with abundance if we’re open to receiving it.

I would love to hear what change means to you. Is it challenging to go through or do you welcome it with open arms? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Let me know over on Instagram.

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