Fall has come and with it, the first crops of the season. The Autumn Harvest to me is a symbol of abundance, growth, endings, and new beginnings. From pumpkins, squash, chestnuts, and apples to cranberries, figs, and grapes, Nature’s offerings are a true treasure.

In my country, we’re big on canning and preserving food. One of my absolute all-time favorites is ajvar (pronounced eye-var). It’s a side dish made of ground roasted red peppers and sometimes eggplants. It’s the taste of my childhood in a jar and a tradition I plan to continue no matter where I am in the world.

Making ajvar requires patience and it can easily take up your whole day. But what matters is the gathering together. We call relatives and neighbors to help and in return, we give them a few jars and go help them when it’s time for their batches.

Asking the Universe for a Sign

My goals this month are all somehow intertwined but they all lead to the same sense of comfort and contentment I’ve been seeking lately.

They’re about spending time at home; whether that’s my house as a physical home, my body as a home for my soul, or my writing as a home for my art.

My intention for November was to get clear on where we’d settle down and build our forever home. One rainy day, while taking a walk at the park with my husband, in a moment of unease, I asked the Universe for a sign. Later that day, I got a notification on my phone for a video from someone I truly respect. The video was called Patience.

This leads me to my November word of the month.

november word of the month

November Word of the Month: Patience

Even though I write about slow living, it’s still a journey for me as well. Every moment of every day, I learn to slow my mind down and reflect on my surroundings. To be here in the now is a skill. One that, if you master, you’ll experience a sense of profound joy and fulfillment.

My greatest lesson this autumn has been practicing patience. I’ll share a little secret with you: I have a tattoo with the Sanskrit word for patience. I got it many moons ago when I was at a crossroads in my life when patience and perseverance were the only keys to unlocking the door to my future.

I forget, in the mundaneness of life, that patience is more than just waiting for something to happen. Patience is about having unconditional faith that the Universe will provide me with what’s best for me when the timing is right.

november word of the month

November Grateful

This month started as a beautiful, peaceful, and plentiful story for me and I feel so much gratitude for my life. I make sure to write down all the blessings in my life in a journal. This way, I can look at them and remind myself that I have plenty to smile for.

I want to invite you to start a journaling practice this month and use it to tell a new story of how you’d like your life to be. Say thanks for the blessings you have, set your own November goals, and notice the joys coming your way.

You can find my self-love journaling prompts here, where you can also download a free journaling printable to get you started.

Sending you blessings, my sweet, wonderful friends!

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