Safety is such a fleeing brittle thing. The more you grasp hold of it, the more it gets away. Seeking safety is a basic human need but it’s settling for it that can become unsettling.

I wonder, then, how can we hand over all our hopes of happiness to the feeling of safety when it’s not permanent? How can we still plan for the future when things are changing every day? Is finding hope in times of uncertainty possible? How do we cope when our plans are derailed?

This is what I’ve learned. I hope you can take what resonates with you and use it when you need a little comfort, motivation, or hope.

finding hope in times of uncertainty

The Foundation of Hope

When I was a child, I’d spend summers with my grandparents in the countryside. They’d work on their crops during the day and I’d run around carefree in the nearby flowery meadows. The scent of pollen permeated the air and I still remember it vividly.

After I was done running, I’d lie down among the wildflowers to read a book or write poetry. It was the happiest and safest I’ve ever felt.

I imagined dandelions carrying my wishes and giving them to the wind. My vivid imagination was my escape as a child. As an adult, this imagination is my nectar.

finding hope in times of uncertainty

So find yourself a wildflower field.

Maybe it’s in a cozy countryside cottage where you sip coffee on the porch and smile at how far you’ve come. Maybe it’s in your mind, where wildflowers grow in your soul, hug your dreams in petals, and you water them with strength.

Changing Your Perspective

Not too long ago, I chose to live a life of joy over security, knowing that at this point in my journey, these two things cannot coexist. Once I changed my perspective of ‘working now so I can feel joy later’ to ‘first feeling joy’, I started doing inspired, meaningful, soul-filled work.

To me, joy is a wellspring I can always reach for within me. I can find joy in the cup of coffee brewing in the morning. In the love of my husband. In the purrs of my cat. In the sunshine on a cold winter day. In the slow weekend mornings. In the snowdrops in my garden that bring the promise of spring.

Finding Hope in Times of Uncertainty

Visualize the Life You Want to Live

Thoughts become things. What does your ideal, most wonderful, most freeing life look like? Visualize it with childlike imagination. Journal about it. Describe it in detail.

Keep this vision so clear in your mind that it becomes the first thing you imagine when you wake up and the last thing you imagine before you go to bed.

Anything and everything is possible in this world but it all starts with you believing that it is and that you deserve it.

The Power of Surrendering

Surrendering is scary. It’s an internal battle between your higher self who knows you’ll be okay no matter what and your ego that needs to hold on to the illusion of security.

The energy of the Universe emanates from your mind and body. Feel it, dance with it, let it take over and open the window to the unknown.

When letting go becomes second nature, it transforms into faith.

finding hope in times of uncertainty

How to Keep Faith Alive and Well

Faith is light as a feather. It’s not heavy with effort and restlessness.

It’s knowing that you’re taken care of. It’s patience in the form of quiet perseverance. Faith is light.

Believing in a higher power doesn’t make you powerless. It makes you brave enough to surrender all your dreams, hopes, and plans without knowing how and when they’ll come true.

This is why we don’t take a small step of faith but a leap of faith. I promise, your inner child will be overjoyed to discover what’s on the other side of curiosity.

Finding Hope in Times of Uncertainty Is Like Growing Wildflowers

Plant yourself a wildflower field. Where your desires are wild and free and possible and brave. Finding hope in times of uncertainty is challenging but we can do hard things.

And if you need some comfort while you water your wildflower field, I’ll be right here holding the space for you to grow along with your flowers.

If you’re craving a slower, quieter pace of life, I invite you to try these 23 simple ways to slow down in your day.

Simple routines


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